People First (Scotland)


Any adult with a learning disability who lives in Scotland can be a member of People First (Scotland).

We have about 1,000 members across Scotland. There is plenty of room for more!

Members can take part in all People First activities.

Once you are a member you can vote for the Board or stand for election to the Board, attend conferences and be chosen by the Board to represent People First in meetings.

You can get in touch through our office  by post, email or phone or print off and fill in the application form on this page and send it in.

You can download the membership form by clicking the image below.


We are always looking for new volunteer advisors to support local groups.

If you have a few hours to spare each week, on a long-term basis, and you think you have the right skills and approach, this may be the role for you!

We are looking for someone who:

  • Believes that everyone deserves equal respect
  • Is aware of the discrimination experienced by people with learning disabilities
  • Has good communication skills
  • Can support a group in a user-led way

For more information please contact the National Office. The National Office details are on our Contact Us page.


People First (Scotland) regularly offers student placements to Universities running Social Work courses. 

Members are always involved in assessing the students’ practice by working alongside them and sharing their feedback . Some of the staff are qualified social workers and one of the staff is a qualified practice educator.