

The Scottish Government promised to ‘significantly reduce’ long hospital stays and out-of-area residential placements for people with learning disabilities or complex needs by March 2024.

That deadline has been and gone without the commitment being met. We are disappointed by the lack of progress and we call on national and local government to act now.

We ask the Scottish Government to abolish substitute decision-making and establish supported decision-making across Scotland, realising and respecting our human rights to independent and family life. Read more about what needs to happen by clicking on the hand symbol below.


People First (Scotland) response to the LDAN Bill Consultation


Members of People First (Scotland) have worked incredibly hard over the last few months looking at the Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill Consultation. We have campaigned for a new law for Learning Disability for many years. We do not think the proposals in the Bill are strong enough to fully realise our Human Rights. You can read our Easy Read Summary response by clicking on the hand symbol below.


Power Women: Gender-Based Violence and Leadership Course


Members of the Equally Safe Group have been working with the Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities to design a course. This course is called Power Women.

Power Women has been designed to empower people with learning disabilities who identify as women. There will be sessions to share and gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become leaders and make Scotland a better place for women and girls with learning disabilities who have experienced gender-based violence.

You can find more information about the course clicking below!


A New Law for People with Learning Disabilities


People First (Scotland) are pleased to share our film about the new Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill. We have been campaigning for a new law for learning disability for over 20 years. In the film we share our key messages and set out what we want to see in the new Bill so that our Human Rights are fully realised and upheld in Scottish Law.

We have also written a statement that you can find by clicking on the image below.

Please share your support by sending the following information:

  1. your name
  2. the date you are signing
  3. the name of the organisation you represent or sign for (if appropriate)
  4. the logo of the organisation you represent or sign for (if appropriate)

Please email to admin@peoplefirstscotland.org with ‘SUPPORT FOR PEOPLE FIRST (SCOTLAND) (LDAN 2023) STATEMENT’ as your subject heading.


‘Our Lives, Our Rights’ event


In March 2023 we held an event in Fife called ‘Our Lives, Our Rights’. Over 25 people with learning disabilities attended the event. We connected digitally with some people who stay in long stay hospital.
We connected with young people, and people who had never been to People First events before. We spoke about the laws in Scotland that affect us and the rights we demand. You can read more by clicking on the hand symbol below.


Report on Gender-Based Violence


People First (Scotland) and the Scottish Commission for people with Learning Disabilities have written a report called ‘Unheard, Unequal, Unjust – But not hidden anymore : Women with Learning Disabilities experience of Gender-Based Violence in Scotland.’

The report is difficult to read as it talks about the level of abuse that women with a learning disability experience throughout their lives. We will continue to raise awareness and campaign for an end to violence against women with a Learning Disability. You can read the report by clicking on the hand symbol below.


People First (Scotland) Annual Report


People First (Scotland) have published our Annual Report for 2021-2022.

You can read it by clicking on the hand symbol below.


Information about the Cost of Living


People First (Scotland) have created an Easy Read document with information about the Cost of Living.

You can read it by clicking on the hand symbol below.


What is Domestic Abuse?


People First (Scotland) have created some Easy Read information about Domestic Abuse in partnership with the Scottish Commission for Learning Disability and Scottish Government. If you are experiencing Domestic Abuse, or are worried about someone that is, then remember that you are not alone and help is available. You can read more by clicking on the hand symbol below.


What is Coercive and Controlling Behaviour?


As well as Easy Read information about Domestic Abuse, we have also created information about Coercive and Controlling behaviour and where to find help. You can read more by clicking on the hand symbol below.
